
The Presidio Web and Desktop Font Combined

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In mid-October, 1700, the Spanish Crown drafted a memorial, authorizing a series of pensions to help support fifteen impoverished residents of St. Augustine, most of them widows. The funds were to be drawn from Florida’s annual situado, or royal subsidy. 
One of the recipients was a woman named Catalina Hernández de la Cruz, the widowed spouse of the adjutant Alonso Solana. The annual pension, which would later transfer to one of Catalina Hernández de la Cruz’s daughters, was granted based on her husband's twenty-eight years of loyal service, and the fact that he was killed by a lightning strike while working on the construction of St. Augustine’s fort, the Castillo de San Marcos 
The Presidio font was inspired by these pension records and the stories they reveal. 


Thanks so much for purchasing a font and supporting La Florida! The process for installing fonts depends on a number of factors, including what type of computer you have. If you own a PC, installation will depend on the version you are using. YouTube has some great videos for how to install new fonts to a variety of PCs. If you are using a Mac computer, we recommend this short video. YouTube is also a great resource if you are using any other computer, such as a Google Chromebook.

The letters used to create these unique fonts varied widely, and the spacing for many of them extended beyond one or two lines. In order to see the letters fully, we recommend that you set your spacing to double when writing in one of our fonts. 

Thank you for your support and we hope you enjoy your font!

Designed and Programmed by Melissa Morales, in collaboration with OverlaB Intelligence and La Florida.